Webbex offers editing both as part of a complete package and as a stand-alone service. Our fast and reliable computer-based edit suite allows us to offer you a flexible service and make rapid changes to finished productions as required.

All editing work will be based on an agreed plan so that all parties are happy with the end product. We can remove the unwanted gaps, the bits you don't want to see, and even improve the sound quality where needed and where possible.

We understand that timescales can be very important. We will agree timescales with you in advance and, where appropriate, create project plans outlining the steps necessary to make the deadline, and any input which we will require from you along the way.

Once editing is complete we can provide your finished video in a range of formats:

  • DVD
  • Video CD
  • VHS Video
  • Internet Streaming Format

We can provide full advice to help you choose the most appropriate format for your audience, and will explain the options and possibilities to you.