"There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey".

John Ruskin - 1819-1900

Webbex Technical Services provides a wide range of Internet solutions and services. Due to the very nature of our business in designing individual websites, custom e-mail services, website hosting and maintenance, search engine optimisation, and consultancy, it is not possible to show a fixed price list on our website, as the requirements of each individual are different.

We take time to listen to the needs of our customers, provide them with help and advice where our expertise allows and then produce a fixed-cost quotation or proposal based on their exact requirements. For this reason each package is usually very different. We can, however, assure all our clients that the price we will quote for any of our solutions and services will offer exceptional value for money.

We are also able to offer all our customers outstanding value for money, stunning results and first-class help, advice and support. So whatever your requirements, we have the expertise and experience for you. We will offer plain and simple advice and help take the confusion out of an often confusing business. So whether you know exactly what you require or need guidance, contact us and we will do our very best to help and advise you on the best way forward.

Setting up a website for your company or business does not cost as much as you may think. Our web design prices are competitive and offer great value for money, and if you look at our portfolio you'll see our designs appeal to a wide range of clients, both large and small. As a rough guide our prices would be based on the following rates:

Standard Websites
A custom design with no additional programming requirements. Cost largely depends upon how many pages the client requires, but typically a ten page site will cost approximately £300 - £400

Additional Functionality
You may require a website that you can update yourself, or perhaps include a forum, a guestbook or a picture gallery for example - this is what we term as 'additional functionality'. Cost again depends upon the number of pages as well as the functionality you require. Cost for a 10 page site would be approximately £400 - £750.

Other factors that can affect website design cost:
  • Copy typing: Having to transcribe large passages of text from paper documents takes time. You should always try to provide your copy in electronic format. The actual format is not particularly important as long as it is saved in a file. Even basic emailed text is fine.

  • Changing your mind: If we develop your website or part of your website as specified and you subsequently change your mind about this will increase the cost.

  • Scanning Your Graphics: If you don't have digital images available, we can scan the images from brochures and other documents, but this takes time and adds to the cost.

  • Graphic design work: Graphic design is probably the single most time consuming part of developing a website. If your site requires lots of original graphic design work the cost will be higher.