Effective corporate identity is the backbone of successful business promotion. It reflects your company and attracts your target customers. It encompasses all aspects of a company's public face, including colour choices, logos and tag lines, marketing materials, stationery and even interior design.

Creating an identity is more involved than deciding on a typeface and throwing together a quick logo. It involves analysing your company from the ground up. At Webbex Technical Services we believe in the importance of defining your business, its history and goals, as well as its ethos and directions. Corporate Identity is the visual representation of these. It is how you present your company to the world in colour, text and design.

Deciding whether to modify or completely change your corporate identity is not a decision to be taken lightly. Often customers build an "emotional attachment" to your business and a new look could alienate them.

Notwithstanding the above, there are some reasons why you might want to update or completely redesign your corporate identity:
  • Your existing identity looks tired and outdated
  • Your identity no longer reflects the aims of your business
  • There is a change of business ownership
  • There is a significant change of business direction
  • Your business has outgrown its existing identity
If you feel that your business or organisation could use an identity change, make sure you do some research. List what is and what is not working with your current identity. Visit your competitors and make notes as to what you like and do not like about their identity.